Baptism of Adults and Children

When someone is baptised, that person is brought to Jesus Christ, and made a member of Christ’s Church. It is a new start to life in which the baptised person is accepted and sealed by God with the Holy Spirit to represent Christ to the world. As a response to the baptism which God gives us, we and the candidates declare their faith and intention to serve Christ, and ask for God’s continuing grace to support in the task to which we are all called.

The services of Baptism provide for a process of response to the baptismal action by a profession of faith and commitment to Christian service or with children promises by parents and godparents to nurture the faith of a child baptised.

Either at the same time as baptism, or at a later stage in the person’s life, those making a profession of faith for the first time are confirmed by the bishop through the laying on of hands. Those seeking to renew such promises also receive the laying on of hands with a suitable prayer. It may be appropriate for some candidates to give personal witness to their faith at  Affirmation.

Application For Baptism

Please complete the application form for the Church register in the link below if you would like to be Baptised in the Anglican Mission District of Waimate North.

Application Form for Baptism